Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm Gonna Party Tonight!

Humans have no idea how long a "year" is for a dog. Dave and Cathy rarely get excited about New Years eve. Most dogs, on the other hand, spend most of their lives waiting. Waiting for their people to come home, waiting in the car, waiting on a chain, waiting for dinner. Since we live in the "now" waiting can seem like forever, a string of "nows" spent waiting. And since a human year seems like seven years to us, we store up a bunch of New Year's resolutions. I'm so excited! Here are some of mine:

I will be a better citizen of planet Earth, spreading more joy, comfort and love.
I will remember to relax when meeting new people, or when I find myself in a crowd.
I will control my barking at neighbors and people ringing the doorbell, and not just blurt it out.
I will stop ducking under the seat of the car under overpasses on the highways.
I will remember to eat more slowly.
I will get Cathy out for more exercise.
I will stop bugging Ashley (a dog) by trying to lick her face.
I will stop upsetting Cathy by rolling in scat.

There! One for each dog-year plus one more for good luck!

So, what is YOUR New Year's resolution? I hope this new "year" is the best one ever, full of blessings for me, for you, and for the whole world!

Would you do me a favor and spread this idea: If each one of us becomes peaceful, then the whole world can live in peace. We must change ourselves, one person at a time. Thanks! M

1 comment:

  1. Eat more slowly is a good one Missy! I feel so comfortable conversing with a dog. See my resolution at
