Saturday, December 19, 2009

Yesterday Dave decided to give Cathy her Christmas present early because her back was hurting again. So we went to Big 5 and got an "inversion table". I thought maybe it had to do with fog, and moisture in the air, but no. It's this thing you lie on and hang upside down. Can you believe it? I'm NOT getting on that thing. Life is hard enough trying to figure what's up and what's down without changing it all. But Cathy says that's what being a Christian is like...turning it all upside down. The rules of the world don't really apply your enemies, turn your cheek, don't be materialistic, etc. I think I understand, but I'm not sure. How do I turn the other cheek without getting my ear bitten off? Peace is great, but does that mean I'm supposed to let other dogs beat me up and take my food? Luckily, that doesn't happen in our house. Ashley must already be partly a Christian dog, 'cause she never bothers me even though she's bigger and finishes eating faster. Cathy was having a discussion with some other volunteers last Tuesday, and they were trying to explain Christianity to another volunteer who got turned off to the church because of 'hypocrisy'. They said Jesus writes His laws on your heart, and that's why you know right from wrong. That your actions make you a Christian, that you wear it on your heart, not your arm. Does that mean you have to have open heart surgery? Cathy says yes, in a way, because you have to open your heart to Jesus. She says you can do that in private, but that we need help from other Christians to remind us to follow the laws on our hearts, not the louder ones in our heads. I'm gonna have to ponder that.

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