Thursday, May 27, 2010

Weddings and Things

I recently got to help out with a wedding! James and Angelica are a wonderful couple. I sat under James' chair during part of the service. Boy, was I surprised when they moved the chair!!!

So, what's the point? Simply that everything can change in a split second. One minute you're cruisin'-snoozin' through life, feeling totally contented; the next minute you're totally confused and running for cover!! It can happen to anybody, at anytime. One of our clergy friends had their roof blow off in a freak storm, water damage all over, and an estimate of $40k to fix it.

If you know me at all, you know I'm a bit of a worrier. I don't like surprises. But one thing I DO know is that God, and my friends, will get me through. When I'm off leash at church, (or when we worked at the thrift store in Oregon) sometimes I get separated from Cathy and I get a little panicky, but God reassures me to have faith, and some kind person always helps me find her again.

The key is the faith. That's the hard part for me. But, I'm slowly learning that stuff is always going to happen, and if I just take a deep breath and hang on, everything will be OK. I worry that someone will kidnap me away from Dave and Cathy. But if I don't walk away from them, it won't happen. Just like if we all don't walk away from God, we'll be fine,'cause He'll be right there with us, no matter what!
I mean, even if the "worst" happens and I get run over and killed, Jesus will come and find me and take me home. So, what is there to be afraid of, really?

Well, gotta go, so ciao for now!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wow. I forgot to have Cathy write my sign-in info down and I got locked out of my account! Between us, we finally got it fixed. I'm back!!!!

I have mixed feelings about being back in California. It's warmer here, and it's an old blanket. But Cathy and Dave are both much busier, and with 4 of us dogs, well it's just more hectic. Ashley and Terra don't get along, Reuben likes to take charge when no humans are around...politics are everywhere!!!

It's fun to see old friends again, but I miss the new adventures we had in Oregon. And I miss the friends we made. It's a good thing we got the computer back up and running so we can all keep in touch.

I was at a wedding, Saturday, where a little boy came up and socked me in the face. I was so shocked I just stood there, backed against a pew, and looked at him... 'til Cathy whisked me up into her arms. It all happened so fast. I was so sad. Why did he do that? I forgive him, but it sure hurt my feelings and my jaw.

Well, back out into the yard for more sun and fun! Ciao for now!!!!!