Tuesday, January 5, 2010

An Attitude of Gratitude

Sometimes it's good to slow down and just lie in front of the fire place, while Dave and Cathy are reading. It's warm, I have a full tummy, there's water in the water dish and if I need to go out all I have to do is get up and look at the door. It's raining outside, but I'm in where it's dry and warm. God blesses me in so many ways. I live in a wonderful home with people who give me lots of love, hugs, scratches, toys and who will play with me if I show an inclination. Of course, I've trained them right from the beginning! Whenever Cathy or Dave does something for me I try to always give them a small lick on the hand or leg to say 'Thank you'. I know God brought us together when I was struggling to survive on my own, and I thank Him everyday.

I see so many beings rushing through life, always focusing on what they don't have. I feel lucky that I had the experience of being on my own for a while. It makes me focus on the many blessings I have. I find that this attitude of gratitude keeps me feeling happy. After all, being happy or unhappy is a moment by moment decision that each of us makes. Why so many humans choose to be unhappy, when they have so much to be thankful for, is truly a mystery to me.

Well, I'm going to stay in front of the fire until it's time to do some under cover work with the down comforter! Ciao for now!

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