Saturday, February 13, 2010

Shots for Tots

I learned a lot today. Cathy and I helped out as Rotarians today with Shots for Tots. My main job was to help the little ones stay calm/distracted as they got their vaccinations and to help them calm down afterward. The nurses said my being there helped a great deal and they would like me to help at other locations. When Cathy and I would go to the big room and call for them, the people seemed to really like that I was there to lead the way, and to be with the children during the shots. Some of the children hugged me and, you know what(?), it didn't bother me a bit. I even stopped shaking when I was comforting them. They were way more scared than I was, and when they found out I had MY shot recently, they knew I understood what they were going through. This was the first time that (besides comforting Cathy) I really, truly, understood my role in interacting with people. I was so high afterward that I went out in the back yard and did my "happy dance"!!! I heard one of the nurses ask Cathy if I could come to a 4H Dog Project meeting and tell my story (with Cathy's help of course!). So, today was a really good day, and now I'm going to settle down for a nap!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Well, sure enough, you have to have open heart surgery sooner or later if you're gonna have Jesus in your heart. It just happened to Bishop Schofield for the SECOND time. I knew it, I knew it!!! And now they're talking about how he's in ICU. Does that mean he can see everybody from where he is? Hmmmm... Well, he must REALLY be full of joy now, and much more special than before, what with having opened up his heart to Jesus again like that. Kinda scary when you think about it. I mean, I know we're s'posed to be willing to die rather than deny, it just brings it closer to home for me. I thought getting a rabies shot was bad.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Favorite Things

Not feeling so great after my rabies booster today. I'm amazed that humans don't have to get regular rabies shots too. But then, I guess I wouldn't want to get them in MY stomach either. I've sat in Cathy's lap when she was having her teeth drilled, and I'm glad I don't have to have that done. Talk about HUGE needles!!!

Aaahhhhhh... Dave started a fire in the wood-stove just now. I love that. It makes the whole house feel warm, even the floor. What else makes me feel that way? A real hug. Hanging out with a good friend. Hot water in my kibble on a cold day. Praise. Knowing I "get to go" along wherever my humans are going. Feeling welcomed in a new environment. A thorough grooming with a soft brush. Getting dried off with the towel after a bath. Snoozing in Dave's lap when he's reading a book. A good massage just behind the ears. Curling up behind Cathy's knees, under the covers, at bedtime. Good morning snuggles. Finding that spot where the sun streams in the window and taking a siesta. And most of all...spending time alone with God!!